Sunday, June 28, 2009


Dude, I'm soooo bored right now. I really wish school wasn't out. The summer days just drag on. i SHOULD be working on a summer project but i really don't feel like it. I'm three reports behind! Ugh.... I took my nails off today and I can finally type again:) Well, I wanna get into a good college so I guess I better do my project. PEACE!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hannah's Prize

Dude! Today i went riding in a stretch Hummer! First we went to an icecream place, then we drove to Mill Avenue. When we were listening to 101.5 they announced there location and we went to meet them! We drove up and you could see them laughing. When everybody got off Strawberry was like, "Woah! How many people are on that thing!? DAAAAAAAANG!" He was so cuute! :D He took pictures with us! Hopefully they are posted on the website! Then when we all left, we went back. Then I realized that the guy I was sitting across from in the limo looked like a real old friend. He was wayy cute:) Thats the highlight of my day!

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Weekend!

Well, on Saturday I had to wait all day to see my best friend in the world. I haven't seen him in like 2 or 3 weeks! It killed me to have to wait that long. When he finally got to the party I gave him a huge hug. I did not want to let go! But everyone was around and i didn't want to make a scene. Especially with Hannah sitting right there! She wants me and Derek to date so bad! My party was great. I got great gifts from all my friends. Derek an i had so much fun together too! I have to say it was the best day ever. He got me a gift card for my favorite store! Aeropostale! YES!!! hahaha! The funniest part was that he put on my 6 inch heels and started walking! I got a video of that! Pretty fricken hilarious if you ask me! When he had to leave i practically died! I gave him a huge hug... Then the girls who stayed the night made the night wild! We kept daring Heather Strzalka to do stuff. In all, she licked a toilet seat, drank a shot of goat milk, prank called 3 people, and something else that she would not like me to mention. It was so hilarious! Her new names are Skippy/ Ms. Cameltoe'. Bri's is Rosearita. Hannah's is Captain Crunch. Mikenzie's is Ragu. And mine is El Pato! It was hilarious! We finally went to bed around 4. The next day we ate biscuits and gravy for breakfast. Yummmmmmmmmm! Everyone left around 1. Then i was talking to Derek last night and asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. Guess what? he wants to be a firefighter! I totally support that! My dad is a firefighter, and i used that as an excuse for derek to come over more often:) He wants to go to U of A.... Honestly, i REALYY want to get into Dartmouth. It's good to dream right?? Today i went and helped my sister babysit. Then i just got back from the nail salon with bri. Its really hard for me to type with these. Haha. Well that was my fantabulous weekend:)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Place

A little house
With a little room
It’s a happy place
A place of refuge
It’s a place to scream
A place to play
a place to dream
The little green room
Is a place to create memories

I remember the big pink room
That room was full of hope
Was full of feelings and love
It has been full of hurt and despair
Those rooms have given a lot
The emotions created and ended,
Have engraved that house

My Story

So, guess what? I decided to do something over the summer! I'm going to attempt to write a book. or somewhat of one. Its about a girl who moves and falls in love with a boy she meets at school. But when her family decides to move back to Virginia, what shall she do?

My Flat Face Story

So, I was at my friends house and we were getting ready to fall asleep. I brought up how flat my face was. Then she asks, "Didn't your mom get in a car crash and get surgery and that's why you have a flat face??"
I said, " No you dummy! Surgery doesn't cahnge the traits you pass onto your offspring!"

Haha! Good times. Mikenzie needs intelligence:)